Joined Vocal Group Competition and Won the 3rd place University General

In order to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of RSUP Prof. Ngoerah, Radiology Study Program joined the choir competition. The competition held on December 23rd 2023 at the Werkudara Hall. Radiology Study Program consisting of 15 choir members, including the Head of the Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University/RSUP Prof. Ngoerah;  dr. Firman Parulian Sitanggang, Sp.Rad (K) RI, M.Kes and Head of the Radiology Installation of Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University /RSUP Prof. Ngoerah, dr. I Made Dwijaputra Ayusta, Sp Rad (K) N-KL won the third place.