Vision, Mission and Purpose of the Radiology Specialist Study Program
Vision : Producing Superior, Independent, and Cultured Radiology Specialist Graduates, Particularly in the Field of Radiology Emergency Travel Medicine, who have Competitiveness at the National, Regional, and Global Levels in 2025.
Misi : Enhancing the Radiology Specialist Study Program at the Udayana University Faculty of Medicine as a course of study that refers to the Tri Dharma of Higher Education based on the advancement of science, technology, and cultural values
1. Producing quality graduates who have high competence in mastering science and technology.
2. Increase the capacity of study programs to provide access to educational services to the community.
3. Developing healthy study programs through optimizing governance in accordance with BLU principles.
4. Developing cooperation in various fields to improve the quality of the Tri Dharma of higher education.
5. Produce quality, relevant, and competitive research in accordance with the development of science and technology; produce national and international scientific publications and patents for the benefit of the community.
6. Producing community service that can be directed to empower the community in an effort to help solve problems and improve general welfare, competitiveness, and quality of life standards