3rd CBRE (Continuing Bali Radiology Education) 2022 University General

Faculty of medicine Udayana University  Educates Doctors in the Field of Tumor Radiology through 3rd CBRE (Continuing Bali Radiology Education

In order to increase knowledge in the field of radiology, especially the picture of tumors found in each organ system,

The Radiology Specialist Study Program of FK Unud held the 3rd CBRE (Continuing Bali Radiology Education) in a hybrid manner with the main location in the Sudira Hall, Prof. RSUP. dr. I G N G Ngoerah, Denpasar. (29/10/2022)

This event presented 8 resource persons from the Radiology Specialist Study Program lecturers, Prof. dr. I G N G Ngoerah-FK Unud, namely:

1. dr. Ni Nyoman Margiani, Sp. Rad(K)RA,

2. dr. Pande Putu Yuli Anandasari, Sp. Rad(K)RA,

3. dr. Ni Nyoman Widyasari, Sp. rad,

4. Dr. dr. Elysanti Dwi Martadiani, Sp. Rad(K)MSK,

5. dr. Putu Patriawan, M. Sc, Sp. Rad (K) RI,

6. dr. I Made Dwijaputra Ayusta, Sp. Rad(K)N-KL,

7. dr. Made Widhi Asih, Sp. Rad(K)N-KL,

8. dr. Dewa Ayu Ratna Dewi, Sp. Rad

Guided by the moderator, dr. Andre Tjie Wijaya, Sp. Rad and dr. Kartika, Sp. Rad who discussed "Basic Knowledge of Tumor Imaging: What Should We Know?"

The event began with remarks by dr. Ni Nyoman Margiani, Sp. Rad (K) RA, followed by the President Director of RSUP Prof. dr. I G N G Ngoerah, dr. I Wayan Sudana, M. Kes and was opened by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. dr. I Md. Ady Wirawan, MPH., Ph.D.

In his speech Prof. Ady expressed his hope that this 3rd CBRE event can help increase knowledge for general practitioners, residents and even specialists in daily practice, and can improve the teaching system at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University, especially in the Radiology Specialist Study Program.